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HomeVision and Mission


MACAC: Advocate, Collaborate, Educate.


MACAC Vision Statement

The Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling (MACAC) believes in the benefits of a post-secondary education.  As an organization, we adhere to a strong, nationally accepted Code of Ethics, namely NACAC's Code of Ethics and Professional Practices as we work to:

  • Create broader college awareness and access for students;
  • Encourage a college-going culture in schools;
  • Develop and Provide professional development opportunities that will serve the school and admissions professionals working with students in the school-to-post-secondary transition.


MACAC Mission Statement

The Mission of the association mirrors that of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), which is to support and advance the work of college admission counseling professionals as outlined in NACAC's Code of Ethics and Professional Practices.  MACAC members are all committed to helping students realize their full educational potential with particular emphasis on:

  • The transition from secondary school to higher educational or post-secondary opportunities;
  • Issues involving access and equity for all students.
MACAC is committed to maintaining high standards that foster ethical and social responsibility among those involved in the transition process.